As many of you know, the recent traffic pattern on Concord Avenue has stirred some controversy. While there are some pros & cons to this change, not all stakeholders had an opportunity to voice their concerns.
In 2019, Veterans Memorial Park was dedicated at the Clay Pit Pond on Concord Ave. This park has seen people young and old visiting throughout the year. Our concerns are noted in the following letter to the Select Board.
Office of the Select Board
Belmont Town Hall. 2nd Floor
455 Concord Avenue Belmont, MA 02478
Dear Belmont Select Board,
The feedback below is provided in response to the February 27, 2023, joint meeting of the Belmont Select Board. The description of and discussion regarding the six- month review of the Concord Avenue layout was insufficient. The Belmont Veterans Memorial Committee and Belmont Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Post 1272 are strongly opposed to the layout as it currently exists and is planned to proceed.
This new traffic/parking and bike lane pattern continues to prevent our disabled Veterans from visiting the park due to the very same safety concerns that we originally outlined in our earlier letter to the Belmont Select Board on October 10, 2022
Our organizations have never been solicited for our feedback which is an oversight since the Concord Avenue layout directly impacts/abuts the Belmont Veterans Memorial Park that was dedicated on November 2, 2019.
The survey data cited and list of speakers who participated in the February 27th Select Board joint meeting did not include any of our feedback.
Parking isn't available now, nor will it be sufficient on the adjacent Underwood Street which remains blocked.
Based on the above, we respectfully request that curbside parking be returned to at least the Concord Avenue portion of the Belmont Veterans Memorial Park. A handicapped space also needs to be included on Concord Avenue to ensure that Belmont's disabled Veterans will again be able to safely visit their memorial.
Michael Callanan
Committee Co-President
Ronnie Blanchette
Committee Co-President
Roger "Kip" Gaudet, Jr.
Commander, VFW Post 1272
If you would like to support our efforts to make visiting the Veterans Memorial safer for our disabled veterans, elderly visitors and others please contact the Select Board at:
You can also show your support by attending the May 22nd public meeting in person or by video conference.
Committee Name: Select Board – Hybrid Meeting
Location: Select Board Conference Room
Belmont Town Hall
455 Concord Avenue
Date: Monday, May 22, 2023
Time: 7:00 PM
This is an in-person meeting that is also available by video conferencing technology,
Zoom, as permitted by the Massachusetts Act Relative to Extending Certain State of
Emergency Accommodations, that became effective July 16, 2022. If a technology
problem occurs that prevents broadcast of the meeting, attempts will be made to correct
the problem, however the in-person meeting will continue per the Open Meeting Law if a
quorum of members are attending in-person.
By computer or smartphone go to:
Join Zoom Meeting
Webinar ID: 835 3466 5773
By telephone:
Call: 1 (929) 205-6099
Follow the prompts
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Refer to the following meeting agenda: